Journey of taste: Linseed is beneficial for the heart, it also controls blood pressure, the history of these seeds is interesting.

Journey of taste: Linseed is beneficial for the heart, it also controls blood pressure, the history of these seeds is interesting.


Linseed is also considered a super food because of its properties.
Consumption of linseed can be very beneficial in many diseases.

Swad Ka Safarnama: In the busy life, people are now giving priority to such a diet which keeps their heart and mind calm. Now seeds have also been included in such diet. Although these seeds are being eaten for thousands of years, but in today’s era more detailed information about their properties and usefulness is being received. Linseed seeds are also included in such seeds. It has special properties to keep the heart and blood pressure normal. Actually, Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in it, which keeps the heart cool. If ‘Dil Da Mamla’ is fine then everything is fine in the body. Some food experts also consider it a ‘superfood’. The special thing is that strong ropes are also made from its branches and thin twigs (flax / hemp or jute).

Super seeds trend popularized linseed

The domestic and foreign companies which are delivering food products to our homes these days, a lot of Super Seeds are also being sold there for consumption. The special thing is that their trend in catering has started increasing. These companies are selling their packets after roasting and flavoring many seeds and people are buying and eating them. These seeds include seeds of watermelon, melon, pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, sesame etc. The special thing is that they are tasty to eat, they are considered very nutritious and beneficial for the body. Linseed seeds are less famous than melon or watermelon, but due to their qualities, their value is continuously increasing. For this reason its cultivation is also increasing continuously.

The names of India, America and Argentina are prominent among the linseed growing countries. Image-Canva

The special thing is that the plant from which the linseed seed is produced is multipurpose. Oil is also extracted from linseed seeds. The soft leaves of this plant are considered beneficial for cattle, so ropes and clothes etc. were also made from the twigs of this plant in the olden days. Ropes made of these twigs are called flax or jute (Hemp) rope. Apart from rope, hessian, rope and coarse cloth (Linen) have also been used to make fishing nets. Now cotton has replaced flax, but the practice of making rope continues even today.

Originated in Asiatic and Ethiopian Center

The history of linseed seed, its crop etc. is thousands of years old. According to the Britannica Encyclopedia, flax seeds were eaten as food by the ancient Greeks and Romans. At that time it had the status of superfood. It is also believed that in ancient times Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Poland, Belgium, France and China are considered to be the major countries in the countries that grow linseed for fibre. On the other hand, the names of India, America and Argentina are prominent among the countries that grow linseed for seeds.

By the way, food historians believe that the original center of origin of linseed is spread from the Eastern Mediterranean region to India. On the other hand, Sushma Naithani, Associate Professor (Senior Research) in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University, USA, has also told two centers of origin of linseed, the first of which is the Asiatic Center, which includes North-Western India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. Are. In the second center of origin, he has included the Ethiopian center, which includes Somaliland and Ethiopia etc.

In ‘Charak Samhita’, linseed is considered beneficial for the body.

In the Ayurvedic text ‘Charaksamhita’ written about 2500 years ago in India, there is description of linseed (Atasyam) seeds and its oil. According to the book, it is sweet, beneficial in vata, provoking blood bile and semen-enhancing. Indian Herbs. Renowned Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on fruits and vegetables, considers flaxseed as a herb. He says that according to the nature of the places, there is a difference in the color, shape and size of Tisi seeds. Linseed seeds are white, yellow, red, or slightly black in color across the country. By its use, benefits can be taken in diseases of breath, throat, throat, phlegm, digestive system disorders including wounds, leprosy etc.


Flax seeds prevent bad cholesterol and make good cholesterol in the body. Image-Canva

Food expert and nutrition consultant Nilanjana Singh says that it can also be considered as a superfood. The reason for this is that apart from being rich in fiber, protein, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, omega-3 fatty acids are also found in abundance in these seeds.

Omega-3 fatty acids give it superfood status

Omega-3 fatty acid is a very important component for the body and it is not produced in the body, it can be obtained from external elements only. Due to the lack of this acid, the body becomes a victim of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, sugar, obesity, arthritis, asthma etc. If we say that linseed seeds keep the speed of heart and blood pressure balanced, then it will be considered absolutely correct. These seeds prevent bad cholesterol and make good cholesterol in the body. If all this is right then the body will always remain healthy and disease free. Another specialty of these seeds is that they also detoxify the body. Since it also has a high amount of fiber, which keeps the digestion system healthy. Due to this obesity can be controlled. Consuming flax seeds in normal quantity does not have any side effects, but if consumed in excess, gas can be produced in the stomach. There can also be complaints of constipation.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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